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Initial information

Carsten R. Streb | EMBA is the founder and personally liable owner of the partnership:


Ihr FinanzPlaner.
Carsten R. Streb e. K.


This balance sheet-based partnership is registered in the commercial register and, according to § 93 of the Commercial Code (HGB), is considered an independent merchant/trader (freier Kaufmann | Gewerbetreibender).


The founder and owner is a certified merchant (IHK), holds a diploma in business administration, is a Financial Consultant (EBS), and has earned the internationally accredited title of Executive MBA (EMBA) with a focus on General Management and Financial Planning.


Business Address


Ihr FinanzPlaner.
Carsten R. Streb e. K.


Hauptstraße 5 - 7
65347 Eltville am Rhein | Hattenheim
Federal Republic of Germany


Contact Information


Phone: +49 (0) 6123 9996232 0





Ihr FinanzPlaner. | Carsten R. Streb e. K. offers independent financial planning advice (product-neutral). In addition, Carsten R. Streb e. K. is authorized for the implementation (brokerage) and support of investments, insurance, and loans, with the following licenses:




1.Real Estate Agent License (Only when required by the client!)


Under § 34c (1) of the Trade Code (GewO), the company operates in the real estate sector, supervised by the Rheingau-Taunus district.


2.Insurance Broker License

Under § 34d (1) of the Trade Code (GewO), the company operates in the insurance sector and is registered in the DIHK broker register (insurance broker register) under the number: DBMPK-4UEPD-45.


3.Fee-Based Financial Investment Advisor License

Under § 34h (1) of the Trade Code (GewO), the company provides financial investment advice and is registered in the DIHK broker register under the number: D-H-179-YDP1-63.


4.Real Estate Loan Broker License

Under § 34i (1) of the Trade Code (GewO), the company is active in financing and registered in the DIHK broker register under the number: D-W-179-MEUJ-71.




Financial planning (product-independent) is conducted solely on a fee basis. The remuneration for this advisory service is paid directly by the client, agreed upon individually.

For the implementation of:


Investments (Financial Instruments):

Advice and implementation are also on a fee basis.


Insurance and Loans:

Remuneration may include commissions from the respective product providers (insurance companies, banks, or building societies). Alternatively, an agreement may be made for a fee-based arrangement.


Professional Liability / Asset Liability Insurance


Ihr FinanzPlaner. | Carsten R. Streb e. K. holds professional liability / asset liability insurance.


Ownership Interests


Neither Ihr FinanzPlaner. | Carsten R. Streb e. K. nor the owner hold direct or indirect ownership interests exceeding 10% of the voting rights or capital in a bank, building society, insurance company, or investment house, and vice versa.


Complaint / Arbitration Board


If you are dissatisfied with our services, you are welcome to send your complaint directly to us via the contact details provided.


The procedure involves reviewing the complaint internally, and we will send you a statement. Additionally, you may contact the following alternative dispute resolution bodies:



  • Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), Ombudsman, P.O. Box 13 08, 53003 Bonn:



Insurance en

Versicherungsombudsmann e.V., P.O. Box 080 632, 10006 Berlin

Ombudsman for private health and long-term care insurance, P.O. Box 06 02 22, 10052 Berlin


Investment n | Credit e

BVI | Investment Fund Ombudsman of the BVI, Unter den Linden 42, 10117 Berlin

Closed-end fund ombudsman, Invalidenstraße 35, 10115 Berlin

Real Estate Ombudsman of the IVD, Littenstraße 10, 10179 Berlin

Information on advice and brokerage of financial instruments pursuant to Section 2 (6) No. 8 KWG

Investment advice and the brokerage of financial instruments in accordance with Section 2 (6) No. 8 KWG is provided on the basis of a licence granted under
authorisation in accordance with § 34 h GewO. The contractual partner is an independent trader in accordance with § 93 HGB. The conclusion of the contract for the
The contract for the purchase of a financial instrument is always concluded between you as the client and the respective product provider. The
However, the contractual partner must exercise due care in accordance with the rules of the Financial Investment Brokerage Ordinance (FinVermV).
into account. In particular, he is obliged to provide investment and investor-appropriate advice, taking into account your knowledge and experience
and experience as well as the investment purpose desired by you. The contractual partner is also obliged to keep a record of this.
keep a record of this. A contract can also be concluded between the client and the contractual partner regarding the obligations and further cooperation.
can also be concluded.

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