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Your security planning service in Frankfurt, Wiesbaden and Mainz.

Your FinancialPlanner.  | Your certified security planner.

Your financial planning, your life planning, should not only guide you to your goal when the sun is shining, but also when it rains or even storms…

  • What risks do you face with your financial plan, as an individual, a family (e.g., your human capital), or as an entrepreneur?

  • Which of these are existential?

  • Which ones make sense to secure – i.e., to insure?

  • Which ones do not?

When creating your individual security plan, we follow a clear process:

1. analysis

In a personal consultation, we work out your individual, family or business risk profile (liquidity, biometric risks and risks) to ensure that you are covered according to your needs. 

2. conception

Based on your risk profile and weighing up the advantages and disadvantages, we will jointly make a selection regarding the class level you require. You will receive an overview of products that are suitable for you and their various performance features.

3. decision

After our detailed discussion, you can make an informed decision. Once your security plan has been drawn up, we will support you in implementing it. Our specialised assistance will support you with regard to all relevant risks (insurance).

Protection means that you have access to sufficient liquidity at all times in your life.

This should be one of the tasks of your FinancialPlan.


Your FinancialPlanner.


Carsten R. Streb

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